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PPE Vending allows the organizations to grant timed temporary access to external casual consumers. This is useful for the below situations,

  • site visitors
  • temporary workers
  • office visitors
  • external maintenance workers
  • IT auditors

PPE Vending (Lite) does not require installation of mobile app.

Grant Temporary Access

To grant temporary access, please follow this procedure,

  1. Visit Employee Management page
  2. Click Grant Temporary Access button on the top right corner
  3. Click Contact Name to add the visitor’s name
  4. Update the Expiry field
  5. Click Save button to finalize the operation.
  6. Once saved, the employee list table would refresh, and this newly created temporary access entry should be the top
  7. Click Show Access URL button in Operation column
  8. The URL is the secret login URL for the visitor
  9. Use the Email input box to send the secret URL to the visitor.
  10. The visitors will receive an email containing the secret login URL.

The temporary access will be automatically expired and blocked after the specified expiry date and time.

Terminate Temporary Access

To terminate a temporary access before its expiry, follow this procedure,

  1. Visit Employee Management page
  2. Find the employee entry in the employee list table
    • Search By Name can be handy to search names with partial match
    • Employee Status can be used to filter out blocked entries
  3. Once found the temporary access entry, click Revoke button in the Operation column
  4. Click OK button to confirm the revoke operation
  5. The temporary access is revoked immediately.

Extend Temporary Access

To extend temporary access beyond the original expiry date and time, follow this procedure,

  1. Visit Employee Management page
  2. Find the employee entry in the employee list table
    • Search By Name can be handy to search names with partial match
    • Employee Status can be used to filter out blocked entries
  3. Once found the temporary access entry, click Extend Access button in the Operation column
  4. In the popup window, choose the new expiry date and time in Expiry field
  5. Click Update button to confirm the extension of access

After the extension, the entry in the list should have already been updated automatically to reflect this change.

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