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PPE Vending - Mobile App

PPE Vending mobile app is the recommended solution for generic use of PPE Vending. The mobile app is used by employees to replace traditionally key card.

The mobile app (PPE Vending) is available for both Google Android and Apple iPhone/iPad.

Download PPE Vending app from Google Android play store

Download PPE Vending app from Apple App Store

Common Operations

Please follow Employee Management to perform common operations,

  • Add employee
  • Block employee
  • Off-board employee
  • Update employee information

Self-Service Onboarding

PPE Vending (Mobile App) has a unique feature that would allow employees to self-service onboarding to the system. This will save significant effort and time for management.

When an organization has this self-service onboarding feature enabled, all the employees who have access to an email with matching domain to the nominated domains will be able to log into the organization by themselves, and instantly get all the access as if they were onboarded into the system individually by the administrators.

Start self-service onboarding

Please follow this procedure to enable self-service onboarding,

  1. Visit Self-Service Onboarding
  2. Click Toggle State button and make sure State shows Enabled
  3. Specify the authorized domains
  4. Input the domain in New authorized domain field
  5. Click Add new domain button
  6. Repeat the process until all the authorized domains are added
  7. Click Save button to save state and authorized domains to the system.

Once finished, all the employees who have access to an email with one of the nominated domains will be able to log into the system without being individually added to the system.

Stop self-service onboarding

Please follow this procedure to turn-off self-service onboarding,

  1. Visit Self-Service Onboarding
  2. Click Toggle State button and make sure State is in desired state
  3. Click Save button to save the updated state to the system.

Once finished, no new employees who have access to an email with one of the nominated domains will be able to log into the system without being individually added to the system.

Please note, the existing employees who are onboarded into the system either as self-service or being individually added to the system will not lose access.

If you need to revoke access for some or all of the employees, please follow Block an Employee procedure.

Bulk Importing

To import large amount of employees initially, Vending on Track provides bulk importing service.

To perform bulk importing, please supply Vending on Track support team and provide a CSV file with the following columns,

  • Email
  • Employee Name
  • Employee ID

The typical turn-around time for this operation is two business days.

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